Presentation Skills Tips – Lessons Learnt from Senator Edward Kennedy

In the previous posts, we talked about analysed both John F Kennedy and his younger brother, Robert Kennedy’s speech on the assassination of Martin Luther King.

In today’s post, we will continue to analyse another great politician’s speech from the Kennedy family, Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy.

Edward Kennedy’s Speech at DNC New York, 12 August 1980

Click here for the complete speech by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

My Comments and Analysis  of  Edward Kennedy’s Persuasive Speech

This is a long speech and it takes Edward about 27 minutes to deliver it. This is a concession speech. Edward gives it all though he knows he can not be the next President.

He applied the contrast in the opening of his speech : “I have come here tonight not to argue as a candidate but to affirm a cause.” This is similar to JFK style.

He quickly applied the figure of repetition – Anaphora to appeal to the audience. “I am asking you…” for three times. Other examples like : ‘Let us pledge…..” also three times.

In the middle of his speech he used: “To all those ….” Six times.

Edward used conversational style and ends with a poetic quote from Tennyson, include his favourite quote: ” To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” In fact, Robert liked this quote as well.”

I like this speech because of its simplicity yet its poetic. I like its directness yet very subtle.

I hope you can study this speech and find the gem in this speech. This speech also offers a glimpse of effective speech writing style.

Edward Kennedy, definitely one of the most influential politicians of his generation.



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