Enhance Your Speech and Nourish Your Communication

Look for ways to enhance your speech and nourich your communication? Do not miss the upcoming workshop on communications.
Date: 27 Oct 2014, Monday
Venue: Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel (Netwon MRT)
Time: 7:00-10:00pm (Dinner and Networking at 6:15pm)
Cost: Free for members, $20 for Guests
Ernest Chen – The Power of Rhetoric in Speech Making.

Ernest, the author of three books. the latest book is called Rhetorically Speaking and Writing. The workshop will feature on the power of Figures of speech. He will show us how to use these rhetorical devices in our speech and how to ignite your verbal communication with the figures of repetition, emphasis, and balance. If time permits, he will show the inaugural address of John F Kennedy and describe the vivid words, phrases and clauses of the speech.
Aung Pye Tun – Nourish Your Communication