Listening to a speech, it is very common to hear pause fillers like “er”, “um”, “ng”, “ok”, “you know”, uttered by a speaker. These irritating words usually occur at the end of a sentence or beginning of a sentence or phrases. Why do these unnecessary words have to appear?
These are the word whiskers, word clutches or pause fillers – the terms used by language communication specialists. Worse of all, this unproductive sound usually appeared frequently during important parts of our professional life – media interview and panel discussion. Still are pauses are important in a speech?
In fact, pause is part and parcel of a speech. Pause is an important element of a speech.
Pauses enable the speaker to breathe, to think ahead, and to enable listeners to think about what has been stated.
Pauses also provide opportunities for a change of pitch. Pauses can be long, medium or short in length, depending on the situation.
An important aspect of pauses is to slow down the rate of speaking. In written communication, we use, commas, colons or full stops to separate ideas; pauses will help us to break down our thoughts into different units.
Here are some of the ways where we can use pauses to highlight our message to listeners.
Always keep in mind that speaking texts and reading texts must be crafted differently. When we speak we have to look into the eyes of the audience and create rapport with them.
Our eyes have to talk with their eyes; our facial expression has to enhance our verbal message. When we read, we look at the text and read aloud.
Therefore, when we speak we need to pause for breath whenever there is a colon or full stop. Sometimes, in a long sentence, more pauses are needed.
Practise this prose and vary the length of pauses.
The darling princess is dead. She looks so radiant and bright even though she is dead. Is she asleep? No. she is dead! No sleep so beautiful and calm, so free from trace of pain, so fair to look upon. Our darling Princess Diana, so serene and so calm, motionlessly lying there peacefully awaiting her Prince Charming to come; yet there is no sign of him. Yes, she is dead
Try this speech from Winston Churchill.
The whole fury and might – or the enemy – must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows – that he will have to break us in this island – or lose the war. If we can stand up to him – all Europe – may be free – and the life of the world may move forward – into broad sunlit uplands. – But if we fail – then the whole world – including the United States – including all that we have known and cared for – will sink into the abyss – of a new dark age – made more sinister – and perhaps more protracted – by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore – brace ourselves to our duties – and so bear ourselves that – if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years – men will say – “This – was their finest hour.”
Speak with pauses (as indicated by a dash -) Can you feel the effect?
Like to learn the tricks and techniques to delivering powerful presentation or how you can overcome your fears of public speaking once and for all? Visit Ernest’s website, to learn about his public speaking programs in Singapore!
Want to learn the proper techniques of public speaking, the tricks and tips to easily changing your style of delivery according to the times and needs of your listeners?
Every speaker is different, so is your audience. Great public speakers not only know how to tell wonderful and convincing stories, they are also great artist in painting images into the hearts of their listeners. And they precisely know how to adjust their speaking styles to suit their audience from different cultures and nations.
In his book, Earnestly Speaking, Ernest will show you how you can hone your public speaking skills to aid your progress in both your professional and personal life.
Earnestly Speaking is the child of Singapore’s best public speaking coach, Ernest Chen. In his book of twenty independent chapters, Ernest will hold you by your hand and walk you through the six different aspects of public speaking -ranging from preparing your speech, deciding on the most appropriate type of speech to deliver to your audience to the different modes of communication and more….
To start your dream of becoming a persuasive and entertaining public speaking without having butterflies in your stomach, visit your local bookstore and get Ernest’s public speaking bestseller, Earnestly Speaking today!