Newsletter July – August 2013

Newsletter July – August 2013

foreword from the editors crop

Foreword from the Editors:

Good day everyone! Welcome to the first-ever newsletter in the history of the Toastmasters Club of Singapore, the oldest toastmasters club in Singapore! In this maiden issue, we have a brief yet delightful line-up of news bites for your reading pleasure, including our Club President Todd Ho’s inaugural address. These are rounded off by an inspiring article penned by our club’s very own beloved mentor, DTM Ernest Chen, whom I am certain has touched everyone of us in one way or another.

Before you dive right in to the newsletter, please spare me a few breaths while I say a few words about the Club Newsletter. As an entirely-new initiative with no precedent, it is the hope of the 2013-2014 Executive Committee, helmed by our very capable and passionate President Todd, that the newsletter will serve as a platform where members can keep themselves up-to-date on club events and announcements. Ultimately, the newsletter will serve as a vehicle to facilitate the engaging and interactive culture that makes TMCS stand out from the crowd. The newsletter will (barring excuses from overworked Editors) be published once every two months via email. Besides keeping you abreast of club happenings, the Editors would also like to invite members to contribute articles that you find inspiring to the Toastmaster’s journey, as Ernest has graciously done in this issue. Feel free (and no, you will not be paid for your article!) to email your article to me (, Kim Heng or Avi.

With that, the Exco wishes every member a fulfilling voyage of self-discovery, and lots of laughter and joy as you journey with us through the life of a Toastmaster.

Enjoy, and till the next issue.

From your Newsletter Editors – Boredin, Kim Heng, and Avi