1st August 2011 – Best Table Topic Speaker : Jasmine

Congrulations Jasmine for being voted as the Best Table Topic Speaker for Toastmasters Club of Singapore 1st August 2011 chapter meeting.

For her table topic, Jasmine speaked with much drama, vocal varieties and colorful body languages. No wonderful majority of the votes from the other Toastmasters went to her…

If you have missed her wonderful and dramatic table topic speech, not to worry. We have the replay for you here.


1st August 2011 – Best Prepared Speech Speaker : Yi Hui

Singapore’s education system has always been viewed as one of the best education system in the world. World class education system we call it.

While students from all over the world flock to Singapore wanting to enjoy the benefits that our top notch education system brings, Yi Huiseems to have a a slightly different opinion than what most people think about it..