Weekly Singapore Public Speaking Chapter Meeting Schedule Amendments

For the benefit of those who had not attended this monday’s, 12 September 2011, chapter meeting, the Exco of Toastmasters Club of Singapore has made the following announcements:
1) Consecutive speaking slots – Upon much discussion at the exco level, members will now no longer be able to book speaking slots consecutively i.e. project 1 today, 2 next week and 3 the week after ad nauseum. The rationale for this is 2-fold:
a) To allow individual members to have adequate time to mull through the points that their evaluators have raised, and to adequately prepare for the subsequent speech.
b) To allow adequate opportunities for other toastmasters to present their speeches.

2) Increase of speaking slots – As a pilot test,  Toastmasters Club of Singapore will be increasing the number of speaking slots from 6 to 7, and see if it affects time management for the meetings. If we do not run overtime, then 7 speaking slots will be the norm from now on. This is to help alleviate some of the problems members have faced with regards to speaking slots. The exco of Toastmasters Club of Singapore seeks everyone’s kind understanding and cooperation to ensure that the meeting runs on time, and be in the function room when meeting commences.

Both will be implemented from October onwards.

Humorous & Evaluation Contest Photographs


Congrulations to all winners of Toastmasters Club of Singapore 2011 Humorous and Evaluation Speech contest.

I blieve everyone had a good time indulging in the speeches of the accomplished speakers in TMCS and below are some photographs taken on this special event of the year and hope it will be able to bring back some fond memories later…

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