20th February 2012 – International and Table Topic Club Contest

Dear Toastmasters, in less than a month’s time, on 20th February 2012, Toastmaster Club of Singapore will be holding its Annual International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest!

In less than a month’s time, on 20th February 2012, TMCS will be holding its Annual International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest!

In brief, it is actually 2 contests combined into one – The International Speech Contest will see our toastmasters deliver a 5-7 minutes prepared speech in front of a panel of judges, with the best speaker going on to represent our club at the area level contest.

The Table Topics Contest works just like our Table topics session, except contestants will all be issued the same table topic and be asked to deliver an impromptu speech lasting no more than 2.5 minutes.

As with the International Speech Contest, the best table topics speaker will go on to represent our club at the area level.

Why Should I Join?

Toastmasters, this is an annual, once-only event in which the art of communication and public speaking is taken to a new level, where instead of seeking critique, you are directly competing against your fellow toastmasters, some of whom will be confident veterans, others who would be in for the thrill and adrenaline rush.

Regardless, it is a most exciting platform to engage and learn, and even improve in the face of fierce competition!

How Do I Join?

Provided you meet the eligibility criteria, just send me an email and YOU ARE IN!

  • International Speech Contest – Member in good standing, completed at least 6 projects from Competent Communicator manual
  • Table Topics Contest – Member in good standing If you have yet to pay your membership dues, there’s no better time than now to do it!
I’m Excited But How Can I Possibly Compete with Other More Experienced Toastmasters?

It takes all kinds to be a toastmaster, we understand =) For the pacifists amongst us who dislike the competition and bloodshed, you can still be part of the event! We do need timers and Sergeant-at-arms for the contest, so those who are interested to help out and watch the contestants duke it out amongst themselves in a front row seat, just say the word and YOU ARE IN! We sincerely hope that all Toastmasters of this club will be able to help make this contest a most engaging, exciting and exhilarating one!

See you on 20th February 2012!

Singapore Public Speaking Evaluation – Ernest Chen

It is never easy to be a prepared speech evaluator. And to make things even harder for our Distinguished Toastmaster, Ernest Chen, he was to evaulate one of our club’s best speaker, Manoj, our Champion Humourous Speaker…

If you want to learn the correct and effective way to evaluate a prepared speech, what better way to learn it from the pro? Together, let’s watch how Ernest Chen, also a Singapore public speaking coach, evaluate Manoj’s speech and what additional pointers he has to offer for our Champion Humourous Speaker…