Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech Contests


On August 5th, our club will be hosting its annual Humourous Speech and Evaluation Speech Contest. All club members are invited to join us for an evening of belly-aches as our veterans deliver some of their most humourous speeches and insightful evaluations.


We regret that the event will only be open to members, and invite you to join us at our regular chapter meeting on 12th August.

See you there!


Winner- Area U2 International Speech and Table Topics Contest 2013

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Winners of Area U2 International Speech and Table Topics Contest 2013

Our Allison Ching and Manoj Vasudevan!!

Congratulations to our Toastmasters Manoj Vasudevan and Allison Ching, Champions of Area U2 Table Topics Contest and International Speech Contest! On 20th April 2013, Manoj and Allison will represent us, Toastmasters Club of Singapore, as well as Area U2 to compete in the Division level contest.

Support our Toastmaster! Join us and witness their winning moments on 20th!


Divison U International Speech and Table Topics Contest 2013,

20th April 2013 (Saturday), 1.30PM, AVA room-Kampong Ubi Community Centre, 10 Jalan Ubi, Singapore- 409 075