5th Newsletter Mar – Apr 2014


Two years ago, Low Kim Heng, our Area U2 Governor and Immediate Past President, inspired Chin Keong to join TMCS in his project 10 speech. Two years later, Chin Keong’s Project 10 speech, the once impossible dream, also inspired many of us.

“to start, you don’t have to be good. But to be good, you have to start.”

Read on here!

…and enjoy the #5 newsletter!

President’s Distinguished Club Award 2013/2014

On 10 May 2014 at the Toastmasters District 80 Annual Convention saw the TMCS Club President Todd Ho and fellow members on stage receiving the President’s Distinguished Club Award, the highest award for the toastmasters Distinguished Club Program. Our club achieved 10 out of 10 DCP goals for the term 2013/2014.

Well done, Executive Committee, club mentors and members!