September 2017

TMCS Storytelling Workshop

Dear TMCS Members and guests,

Great public speakers are great storytellers too! Do you want to be an excellent storyteller?
If Yes, please register for our upcoming Storytelling workshop asap.

Here are the details:
Date: 25th September 2017 (4th Monday)
Time: 7 – 10 pm
Venue: Sheraton Tower Level 2
Trainer: CTM Oh Hock Chong

This will be a hands-on workshop. You will have the opportunity to tell your own stories to groups, by applying the techniques that will be taught by Hock Chong. Best 5 storytellers will compete for the honorable trophy “Best Storyteller in TMCS”. Remember to bring your personal story of 2 mins to share in class. Ensure your story has a message, or “what is the moral of your story”.

We are opening this workshop to Toastmasters from other clubs, as well as to the PUBLIC. Therefore seats are limited & going off very fast.

Important Note: All participants must register their attendance, members or non-members as the seats are limited.

Please click this link to register:
and find the poster below for more information.

See you there.